Tasteless n' racist badges made by a fat child in Stoke on Trent in the 1980's. They were to commemorate the tragic accidental death of dozens of asians by a chemical leak from the union carbide plant in Bhopal.

There's also Auntie Sue doing a poo whilst Uncle Jim kisses her quim.

Presumably Sue and Jim are German.

A game of genuine bravery. Wait until the teacher's back is turned, then stand up, with your eyes closed, sticking two fingers up. The longer you dared do it, the cooler you were. If they teacher discovered you, then you could almost plead ignorance - you had your eyes closed, so you didn't know your fingers were up. Sort of thing.

A local urban myth peddled by an irresponsible adult about a local old man who used to go mad when someone shouted "squashed liver" through his letterbox. The old man was then capable of speeds up to 70 mph when chasing kids who had shouted squashed liver, who he would then kill. He is still alive today, but due to being over 90 cannot get above 40 mph.

Despite your assurance that 'no one gets hurt', whilst performing this very act, I once catapulted a younger and lighter fellow student so far and with such a rotational velocity that he landed most awkwardly and broke his arm at the elbow. It swung both ways in a most sickening manner. Sorry, Jason.

A game to play when you're bored. It looks like you're really interested in what the teacher has to say. But in reality, you're just waiting for him to say "put your hands up" so that you can all mutter "my arse" afterwards.

With a good enough mental library of double entendres, just about anything the teacher says can be followed with "my arse", with hilarity inevitably ensuing.

Oh, and Mr Jones, once you've realised just how immature your class really is, moaning 'oh come on...' isn't really going to help matters.

The extended version is 'pakis don't come in tins, they come in busloads from bristol.'

According to my Grandad, changing the sign from the nearby "Potten End" to "Rotten End" had been done every year, by local schoolboys, for the last 70 years.

"CAN YOU BEES?" screamed Henry as he sat on fellow special needster Alan, "CAN YOU BEES?"

A vaginal fart. Also useful for attracting the attention of Keith, who will say "what?" Hilarity will be waiting just around the corner.