The painless insertion of a pin under a layer of dead skin on the fingertip. Experts can manage ten pinfingers without accidentally popping one out. This leaves the pinfinger able to do little other than wave their hands at people and say "look look " to people they hope will be impressed. (Log)
written by Jo* B*yt*, approved by Log

Using needles instead of pins, many interesting things can be done with string, such as tying attractive bows, hanging weights, etc. For that little extra something, thread all the needles with the same cotton, then pull them out in front of a girl.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Log

pinfinger puppet shows
Puppets are made by making stick people out of safety pins, and attaching their arms to the index and thumb of your right hand, and the legs to the index and thumb of the left. More effective when a few people get into the act. Also works with paper clips.
(How? How does this work? Any photographs of this haunting pinfinger puppet show will be placed immediately on the front page. If Phil says it can. - Log
written by Da*id *ar*er, approved by Log

I don't know what kind of crazy smack you guys are on but pinfinger is :
  1. Getting a candle from art class.
  2. Melting the wax onto the tips of your fingers.
  3. Before the wax hardens, insert a drawing pin.
  4. Scratch the face of the fucking dick who grassed you up for spitting off the top of the English block.

Make sure they know it's a pinfinger, otherwise you might be confused with a girlie-fighting fingernailed ladyboy.
An addition to this basic pinfinger is to write AIDS over a bottle of Quink, and dip the pin into it before attacking. Make sure your victim sees this.
written by an*ny*ous *ser, approved by Log

For advanced pinfingerers there is pin-needling, which goes as follows;
Push needle with thread through the top of every finger.
Dip newly webbed hand in fairy liquid solution.
Wave your hand around to create multiple bubbles!
written by an*ny*ous *se*, approved by Mansh