pile on!
Like sardines, yet more violent. Still catering to the newly evolved homoeroticism of school kids. Basically, someone falls over on the hard gravel floor of the playground, and everyone else jumps on them. Pile-ons were regularly arranged for various break times as well, but few people were daring enough to be the first. Often led to serious injuries.
written by St*phen*Bray, approved by Log

We did this on grass, but I couldn't agree more about the homo-eroticism. I used to throw myself quite heartily into these melees, usually just after Chris Hackett.
written by Jo* Bl*th, approved by Phil

The pile-on takes on an even more homoerotic S&M wet play feel when Stuart Tough pisses his pants on top of everybody.

You can then, however, convince him that if he does laps of the school field for the remainder of lunch break, it will dry off so he won't be sent home.
written by ca*tain *or*an, approved by Matt