don't cross the streams
The primary rule of the nuclear back-packs in Ghostbusters translates well into a toilet game where you both piss into the same bowl. If you do cross the streams, you must both squeal as you undergo an imaginary process of total particle reversal. This means getting a lot of piss on the walls, so it is best not to cross the streams.
written by Jo* Bl*th, approved by Log

I invented this game.
written by An*rew B*cha*, approved by Log

You can't have done, because I did.
written by Jo* Bly*h, approved by Log

Everyone did. I know I did.
written by Lo* , approved by Log

aka Cross Fires. With Cross Fires you can have up to four players. Any more and the whole situation becomes unmanageable.
written by Sa* Mur*och, approved by Log

This was also known as Jesus' Cross - when streams were crossed, each participant would shout 'Jesus' Cross' as loud as possible, so that everyone in the surrounding area would know what had occurred.
written by Ha*ry Ni*e, approved by Log

Buchan you're a liar. You didn't invent this game because it is a blantant rip off of light-sabre fighting. Everybody knows Star Wars predated Ghost Busters by years you spaz. The game was made all the better by making light sabre noises when the streams clashed.

written by ha*s b*ohm, approved by Susan

Also "cross swords". In a Blur video my mate had, Damon and Alex play cross-swords in a motorway service bogs. No wonder Graham quit.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Susan