Report for Katy
Approved stories2
SummaryPerfectly Exquisite

Any child whose brain is full of der. 'Der' can cause you to do stupid things. The word der, and its variant der-brain (or bwain) was pronounced "duuuhhhhhhhh" in a mong voice at a length directly proportionate to the idiocy of the addressee. Usually used in response to someone acting like a div (q.v.), it was the voice of scorn descending on the unfortunate transgressor. More effective in choruses of 10 kids or more.

At the end of the year, when kids were clearing out their desks and didn't want stuff any more, they would hold up an item and shout "Quiz!". The first kid to respond with a yell of "Eggo!" was given the item. The bidding could get fast and furious, but shouting "eggo!" prematurely was inadvisable, in case you got a gym sock, or some mong child's snot collection, and were honour bound to keep it. The words may be derived from Latin, although Latin was never taught at my school. Odd.