Report for Peter Marshall
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SummaryMean Boy

What Jews are, apparently, according to a teacher at my primary school. Subtle racist undertones naturally lost on a group of cross-legged six year olds.

Being 'Posh Pete' for speaking with received pronunciation at a school of thick Nottinghamshire accents became even less pleasurable when the Spice Girls occurred in the late 90s. I can only agree with the bullies who beat me up for being 'Posh', and a girl and gay as a consequence.
Sharing this epithet remains, to this day, the only thing I have in common with Victoria Beckham, as unfortunately, I have never sucked her husband's cock.

My history homework was to draw a map of Europe c. 1936, clearly showing the fascist, communist and democratic countries. Mrs. Shield, my teacher, was so pleased with my swastika (correctly placed in Germany) that she got me to teach the class just how I had created this perfectly formed symbol of potent evil.
My only experience in the profession of teaching has been to spend half an hour instructing a roomful of white school children in the nuances of drawing a swastika. It's a scene that didn't make it onto the recent TV and poster recruitment drive.