The mythical practice of sticking a victim's head down a toliet and flushing. Essentially a story of what happens in big school passed down by older siblings. As with all urban myths, it always happened to a friend of a friend. Or Americans. It happens all the time in America.
written by Al*n Tov*y, approved by Log

I actually saw a bogwashing happen once, to a young lad named Ben Tovey. Have you changed your name? Are you running from something? Are you trying to make the idea of bogwashing seem so whimsical and made-up that no one will ever accuse you of having been bogwashed? Huh, Ben? Well?

This deserves a reply. Come on, Alan. Are you really Ben, as Tom alleges? Did you get bogwashed, dammit? And if anyone else wants to ease the pain of those bogwashing memories by sharing them with the rest of the class, let us know forthwith. - Matt.
written by Po*glesn*tch*, approved by Matt

At my previous secondary school, I was bullied unmercifully, and I received at least one bogwashing (my mind has since blocked out large parts of the year I was there), so it's definitely not an urban legend. Urban legends tend to be drier. That said, I have been getting my own back recently, by seeking out the perpetrators and pounding the snot out of them. It's very therapeutic.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Matt