Poo Game
Walking home from school with your mates? Found a nice, fresh dog poo? The conditions are perfect, so why not play the Poo Game?
Stand face to face with your mate, the poo between you, and link hands over the poo in a soldier's grip. The name of the game is to push and pull your mate until he steps in the poo.
Simple, effective, entertaining. Best practiced when your mate is wearing new shoes with good, deep treads.
written by an*ny*ou* use*, approved by Log

Alternately, simply stick explosive bangers into them. I did this a lot, for some reason.
No, I'm being coy - I know why I did it. It's because I found it entirely hilarious.
written by gr*ff ., approved by Log

Putting a banger in a dog poo is all very well, but it isn't playing with the life of another living thing.
  • Place a banger in the path of a large black slug.
  • Wait until the slug gets close. Move the banger if the slug changes direction.
  • Light the banger.
  • Watch the slugs antennae spring up in terror, as it realises what is happening.
  • Run backwards as the slug strains to do a 180.
  • Try to find traces of big black slug in the surrounding area for the proper, respectful burial.
written by an*nym*us us*r, approved by Log