Polaroid, fun with
Take a Jammy Dodger biscuit, put it on the edge of the table, whip out your dick, and take a polaroid of your member touching the biscuit.
Warning. This will not work with a regular camera because the lab will call the police and you will be arrested for fucking a nostalgic biscuit.
Take a packet of Jammy Dodgers into school. Offer them around, with assurance that they haven't been spat on. The second the biscuit is in their mouth, show them the Polaroid.
The photo is good for around three packets of Jammy Dodgers before word gets around that it's a joke. Or that you're the guy who puts his dick on Jammy Dodgers.
written by an*ny*ous u*er, approved by Log

He'll certainly have a "JAMMY DODGER" after that.
Do you mean "Jammy TODGER?"
You fucked up the punchline! Hahaha! Your name's Bulmer. BELMER, MORE LIKE! BELLLLLMMMMMMMMMMM. - Mansh
written by Da*e Bu*mer, approved by Mansh