Betty Swollocks and friends
Inevitably there came a time when a teacher would ask the pupils to make a list of their names- with luck it was a supply teacher who didn't know who you all were and would then read the names out. In these cases, it always paid to have some handy rude spoonerism names to pad out the list. E.g.
Betty Swollocks
Paul Smeenis
Mary Hinge
Kelly Smunt
Joe Blobb
Tex Soy
Trevor Nyanalsecks etc.
Not to be confused with more direct humour of names like Mike Hunt, Hugh Jarse etc.
written by an*nymo*s use*, approved by Susan

You missed out Keith Burton.
written by Ro* Youn*, approved by Log

The fun of these cleverly invented names turns to heartbreaking tragedy when you meet the unfortunate girl named Vicky Pagett, who has led a needlessly difficult life.
written by Ro*ert *ank*n, approved by Phil

A few of us were trying to think up new Betty Swollocks variations when a lad from the year below, missing the point a bit, suggested the name Nig Bipples.

It's hard to batter someone when you're crying with laughter.

written by Ni* B*ppl*s, approved by Phil