What you must shout immediatly after you have been tagged in a game of "it", to indicate that your being tagged was invalid, as you had CLEARLY crossed your fingers, thus exempting yourself from being caught because you were tying your shoelace.
In reality, a tactic to ensure that Anne-Marie remains "it" for the duration of playtime, despite the number of people she tags. Poor Anne-Marie.
written by A *, approved by Log

Also goes by the similar name of Barleys, like this -
"But I was barleys!"
"No you weren't, there's no barleys!"
"But I was barleys!"
"But you can't have been, there's no barleys"
"I was so barleys..."
After which the child claiming barleys will be allowed them (if he is hard), or beaten up.
written by Ch*is C*ma*, approved by Log