chalky balls
An unwise time to secretly scratch your balls is when wearing polyester / viscose mix trousers after using the blackboard. There is bound to be some chalk left on your fingers, and this will transfer directly to your crotch. So clear are the markings that pupils can distinguish a simple ball scratch to a pinching rearrangement of the penis.
written by He*ena A*d, approved by Log

Double Ammunition for the pupils at our school. Milham was in the papers in 1982 for allegedly supplying cocaine. The case was dismissed and he got his job back. He used to scratch his bollocks and leave a chalky white residue around the area, hence the double entendre 'Charlie Chalk'. Ingenious work for a bunch of 12-year-olds, you must agree.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Susan

Chalky balls: The victim is held down by two assailants, while a third assailant uses a piece of chalk to draw a set of male genitalia on the victim's black school trousers, right over the crotch area. The victim now has three choices. One, spend the next twenty minutes openly rubbing his crotch to remove the artwork. Two, run to the toilets to wash it off, making him look like he's pissed himself. Three, leave the offending artwork for all to see. Playground catch 22-ing at its finest.
written by Pa*l W*ts*n, approved by Susan