Grand Old Duke of York
Nickname of the school slapper - she had ten thousand men.
written by RL*M, approved by Phil

Also consider saying that the year slag has had "more helmets than Hitler" and "more pricks than a cactus". Not that Hitler had helmets, as such. And cacti don't really have pricks, come to think of it.
Anyway, to imply she's a whore, try "she's sold more shags than Carpet City".
written by Da* Sm*th, approved by Susan

Vicki Caunt was known as 'The Windmill' because of the sackfuls of wild oats that she'd allegedly had.
- and then ground into flour inside her big hussy fanny by flailing her arms around in the wind. I suppose.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Ponky

Need I point out that Vicki Caunt becomes Vicki Cunt with a simple adjustment? What were you thinking when you came up with "The Windmill"?..DUHHH
Maybe it was a drama school. They like pretending to be trees and windmills and stuff. Grotbags from Emu's World lived in a windmill and she was a witch. Or was it the other one with the duck? - Ponky
written by Da*ren B*rra*t, approved by Ponky

Sticky Cunt, surely? Standards obviously slipped after Log left the school.
written by Sl*b Gho*t, disapproved by Ponky

Charlotte Fitzpatrick = Harlot Fitzanyone.
written by Pe*er*Ye*le*, deleted by Susan

The girls' school next to ours contained the infamous "Lick-Out Liz" who would apparently sit on the face of randy teenagers like us for 50p.
written by jo*n s*ersb*, deleted by Rosy

Our predictably named classmate, Jonny, managed to reduce a teacher to streams of embarrassed laughter by helpfully informing our class that Katie (the class slut, merely because she sprouted tits before anyone else) has had "more cockends than weekends".
written by Th* Un*ort*na*ly *am Fi*bar, deleted by Jamie