bulbous beans
TV advert jingle composed in a music lesson by school musical geniuses Tim Marlowe, Alex Tigh and metal type Andy Gibblin. It went as follows. Singer A: Do you like bulbous beans? Singer B: Yes, I like bulbous beans. Singers A+B: So come along and get some bulbous beans! Cue jazz bongo drum solo, which continued until the teacher stopped it. A sublime and oft copied music moment.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Log

The above entry is untrue. Alex Tigh, Andy Gibblin and Tim MarLAND were tragically uncool boys, looked up to by the sort of loser so bereft of social skills even their role models wore Skid Row t-shirts. They may have come up with some sort of tune, but don't try to make out it was funny or clever. It wasn't. Timotei still has the hair, and these days wears t-shirts with the arms cut off, waving his skinny white armpits at anyone unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity.
written by an*nymou* user, disapproved by Log