Report for Pope Gregory
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SummaryMean Boy

Log - you're spot on, but you forgot the very childish other connection of Wee Eck. 'Wee' of course being urine. Like Wee Eck. Get it? Oh dear, this isn't good enough is it?

I fear Josh that you have fallen into one of the most annoying traps in the modern world. Using American terms instead of English ones. I presume you meant that the chainsaw goes up the fraggle's arse? Or did you mean ass - in which case, unnecessary cruelty to the poor donkey creature seems over the top to me. Ass doesn't even rhyme with grass. Unless you are from the North, in which case I am sorry to hear that. I think you get what I'm trying to say.

-An impartial editor writes: Josh could, of course, be from America. This is the world wide web, after all. Though what our American cousins make of all the references to Denis Norden, I don't know.

A less forgiving anonymous user adds - "What you're trying to say, Pope Gregory, you effete Southern cunt, is 'I'm a pedantic, humourless twat'. Making twat rhyme with art, of course. - Now now boys, it's only a website! (And book)