Report for Dean A
Approved stories3
SummaryPerfectly Exquisite

A post Joey Deacon, post-Scoper word. Unusually considerate in that it was designed not to insult the victim directly, as they wouldn't know what you were on about. Currently seems to be growing in use, but still only widely used in the Essex/London area as far as I know.

Our school had blue urinals. Thus, if you were standing next to someone you didn't like, you could accuse them of being the Green Wee Man. Reversy privilege prevented them from pointing out that your wee was green too. You may be called upon to piss in public - ostensibly to prove that your piss isn't green, but having the pleasing side effect of humiliation. Whether you fail or pass this test is down to the whim of your peers rather than any serious use of a colour chart.

Harmless long-term infuriating fun. A greeting towards anyone with a colour-based surname, but more specifically, to Keith Brown. The full format is "Hello Brown, you're looking very (pick colour of the day, ie Maroon) today." After around a year, the colours will become more elaborate (coffee infused taupe), if you wish to avoid repeating yourself. Not being really insulting, this usually elicits a wise and world-weary sigh, which was insufferable enough to make you want to do it again the next day.