Report for Mike G
Approved stories3
SummaryPerfectly Exquisite

Also to add to your "abc" definition, it was used to denote the exchange of an "already been chewed" piece of gum from one kid to another.

Kid #1: "Say 'hi' to your knee."
Kid #2: "Hi, knee."
Kid #1: "You just said "Heiney!"
This is funny because heiney is a totally inoffensive word for ass. As innocuous as tricking someone into saying "table salt".

1: After every question i ask, say "rubber balls and liquor."
2: okay.
1: What did you eat for breakfast?
2: Rubber balls and liquor.
1: What did eat for lunch?
2: Rubber balls and liquor.
1: What are you going to eat for dinner?
2: Rubber balls and liquor.
1: What are you going to do to your girlfriend tonight?
2: Rubber balls and liquor.
The idea of kid #2's having a girlfriend with a set of testicles, and kid #2's confession of rubbing and licking them proved to be an endless source of absurd merriment.