Report for Nick Pettigrew
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SummaryMean Boy

A variation of the offer of chewing gum, deftly switched with an invitation to chew your bum is available to those who have sweets.
A : Want a sweet?
B : Of course I do! I'm a kid. That's what kids do! We want sweets!
A : Suck my feet!
B : Feet! That kinda came from nowhere. I thought you were going to give me sweets.
Here are the only five other sweet / body rhymes...
Want a Mars? Kiss my arse!
Want a Snickers? Piss your knickers!
Kola Kubes? Snag my pubes!
Reece's Pieces? Suck my faeces!
Butterkist? Anal fist!
Can you think of more? If so, write them down and post them to your mother, see if SHE thinks your potty mouth is funny.

Strange, Weeble-shaped glasses used in school canteens that seemed to be made of solid diamond. Their real purpose was to prove who was bestest at the table. Every Duralex glass had a a two-digit numbers on the bottom - so whoever had the highest number on their glass was clearly the bestest.

Unacceptable behaviours included:
- Trying to convince anyone that low scores were best, like Top of the Pops, or Golf
- Turning your glass upside-down to make your number higher
- Declining to play

It's only now I realise they're name is aa bit like the famous brand of sponkies. Dunno how we missed that at the time.