Report for Mr. X
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SummaryMean Boy

Oddly enough - maybe it's just us public school toffs - but being really gay seems to be the new thing these days. It started with pink shirts and hugging other guys and has now got to the stage where fake fellatio in the Common Room is considered an act of brotherly appreciation. Except by the headmaster, who was less than pleased to walk in just as Sam Thorpe was enthusiastically acting out swallowing.

Is it just the toffs that do this? I wonder if posh girls ever perform fake cunnilingus on each other? I offer up this possibility merely in a spirit of scientific curiosty, in case you were wondering. - Matt

From our speech day:
Ethan Pui
Emma Wang
Nathan Lui
Mark Whiffing

The teachers managed to carefully disguise Pui and Lui, but Wang was indisguisable. Almost too good to be true.

A clause to this rule always stipulated that the cost was always unbelievably low. E.g.
'I went to the USA and bought a Playstion 5 for $50 from a factory shop'

I'm not sure if this'll get past the moderators, but I can guarantee it is as truthful as it is unecessarily cruel.
Year 11's are brutal bastards, especially at all boys' schools. But we set new records when our entire year congregated in room 73 one lunchtime. We arranged the desks in classic arena format, forming a massive 'C' around the centre of the room. The gap was lined by those unlucky enough not to get seats.
Seized from the corridor, three year 7s - of the smary, gitty 'we know year 11s so we're so cool' variety - were pushed into the middle of this circle.
Somebody shouted out that one of the kids was a great breakdancer. The inveitable chants of 'Breakdance!' took mere seconds to begin. As the year 7s vainly struggled in a spastic way to breakdance, we bored of this paltry entertainment. SO we demanded that they fight. Not even year 7s are this stupid. So we pushed them into each other. Almost didn't work, until one kid gave the other a swot knot (q.v.). The fighting broke out, at which point my spider sense tingled and I left the room just as our extremely evil head of year entered.
The rest is only hearsay, but I heard the laughter from the corridor, so it's probably true. But when the head of year bellowed 'what's going on with these year 7s?' some intrepid and foolish person shouted out 'they were breakdancing sir!'. No punishment ensued.

Being pretty much the only Catholic in my school, I felt perfectly justified in using fenian istead of nigger. It never caught on, mostly cos I was a fenian.

'What's a word for sex outside marriage beginning with F?'
He never got the answer he wanted, which was 'fornication'. That's not to say we didn't have m

The oft-touted but naturally unwritten rule that stated: "If a teacher does not arrive at a lesson in its first 15 minutes then the class is considered cancelled." Unfortunately, the teachers were wise to this rule and never turned up more than 15 minutes late. Despite this, anyone attempting to ammend the rule to 10 minutes or even 5 minutes was shouted down.

The oft-touted but naturally unwritten rule that stated: "If a teacher does not arrive at a lesson in its first 15 minutes then the class is considered cancelled." Unfortunately, the teachers were wise to this rule and never turned up more than 15 minutes late. Despite this, anyone attempting to ammend the rule to 10 minutes or even 5 minutes was shouted down.