Report for sparky ...
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SummaryShows promise

This little gem would occur every breaktime at Primary school around early eighties of Thatcher's Britain .. One boy (of Warlord tendencies) would walk around the playground shouting the afforementioned statement hoping to garner support for his plea .. then one by one they would join arms around each others necks and continue in unison their war cry .. like every breaktime by the time you'd got enough boy-soldiers for a reanactment of "Galipoli" that mis-og bitch Mrs Dean would ring the bell .. we never actually played war ...

Another way of capitalising on the embarrassment of your victim. Whenever they lose an argument, get angry, or are otherwise shamed, simply hold your hands to their sizzling face and sing Glenn Frey's The Heat Is On. The repetetive lyrics were perfect for this kind of bullying;
Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho
(Tell me can you feel it)
(Tell me can you feel it)
(Tell me can you feel it)
The heat is on, the heat is on,
the heat is on, the heat is on.
Oh it's on the street, the heat is - on.
If the victim gets even more upset, reassure him by singing that "ridicule is nothing to be scared of".

When the more can i say it ... stupid like James Leverton .. did something embarassingly inept or more often than not criticised by Mr Coalman (games teacher and pro- hardman) you would click you index finger against your thumb like a rapper or Western Oriental Gentleman may .. and say,either would do .."shame" this later became "shock" then we abandoned it as a lost cause .. and reverted to tweaking and on occasion "slaps"

A variation on standard bumming procedure. The two bummers in this case stand back to back, then both bend forward a little to create the bumming y. This seems to be based on the misconception that you can bum someone's bum, using only your bum. Or that bumming is the application of your bum to anything (including other bums), and not sticking a dick up one. Charming, but naive.

Its the late 1970's , happy times , star wars , Rentaghost and Richard Dreyfuss being in every film imaginable . we were busy at primary school laughing at who had the yellowist piss and playing football EVERY minute of the god damn day !! When the said boy (lonely , fat and being able to break wind like le petomane)was , for no reason taken out of school by his parents . we were agog !! the lucky sod .. no more R.E , no more assemblies with welsh bitch Mrs Franklin who actually was Nosferatu's ugly cousin . Until we heard that he had cancer (hence the guffs) he hadnt got long to live .. so he could live out the rest of his days in the loving arms of his mother & father (who apparently played the bagpipes at 6am every morning) so you can guess that the Jackson family , mum , dad and David's remaining years were spent awaiting and anticipating this relentless disease until David finally would rise no more .. and their loving son would be finally taken from their affections , broken , a young flame , snuffed out before his time into the arms of our loving lord ... yeah .. i saw him last week in John Menzies !!.. bastard !