Report for Yaht Zee
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SummaryCould Try Harder

The exponent gently draws an exclamation mark on the the victim's spine, reciting "Line, Dot". He then digs his index fingers into the kidneys and twists them violently, creating the desired electric shock effect.
Can backfire if the victim turns around in surprise just as the attacker is doing the electric shock bit, leaving the attacker with his hands on the victim's hips in an awkward and obviously homosexual clinch.

Ponky says...Here you go, Eddie-Baby.

Another entry for the evergrowing list of playground songs that earned you a shouting down if overheard by an authority figure:

Puff the magic dragon lived on a shelf
There were no other dragons so he lived there by himself
Then he got a girlfriend but that just wasn't enough
So then he got a boyfriend too, that's why they call him Puff.

That kept us amused for a few hours. I like to think that, unlike many gay-themed songs, this one is non-judgmental of the lifestyle and ends on a happy note.