Report for Lorrimer the rookie
Approved stories2
Deleted stories (hidden) 9
SummaryMean Boy

In a mood of slightly charming pre-dairy-produce-understanding i offer;
Ching Chong Chinaman tried to milk a cow,
Ching Chong Chinaman didn't know how,
Ching Chong Chinaman pulled the wrong udder,
Ching Chong Chinaman got covered in butter.

When Wimpy and McDonald did children's parties, I was privileged enough to meet the Mr Wimpy costume. He gave out badges to all my chums. Mine said "I'm a big bender biter". Everyone was VERY jealous that mister wimpy had favoured me, over all others, with this accolades.
The only defence open to me, although I was too young to realise it at the time, was "I don't have sex with them, I bite them. It's not romantic at ALL."