Report for Jason Beech
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SummaryCould Try Harder

My erstwhile careers advisor doubled as my woodwork teacher. For years I was told I would amount to nothing. Whilst I never despatched a copy of my P90 to him, imagine my satisfaction when he severed his finger during a 5th year woodwork lesson. Oh, and I earn what can only be described as a shitload of cash as a consultant on international contracts. I believe myself justified in saying "Up yours, Mr. Fox, you smelly short-fingered twat".

They were probably German tourists, you cloth eared tool. Still, they probably deserved a good stoning in any case. Good work fellah!

Nice one Mel, in a remarkable PL coincidence, I went to South Bank. Of course by then it was a Poly no longer but a fully fledged University. On acheivement of this lofty status, I doubt that anything other than the sign above the door and the stationery changed.

At my catholic comprehensive shithole in the West Midlands we had a newly qualified, and rather keen, thirty-something R.E. teacher inflicted upon us. Whilst discussing the relative merits of sex before marriage, and being firmly told that this was a VERY BAD THING, the following dialogue took place between Danilo (a Filipino kid in my class) and the teacher: -

Teacher: Sex before marriage is bad...blah, blah, blah...
Danilo: Miss, you're not married are you?
Teacher: No, Danilo.
Danilo: Are you a virgin then?

Cue floods of tears from the teacher and a monumental bollocking for the whole class from the head of year.

She left shortly afterwards to become a missionary. Presumably in the hope of landing a shag from some other sad, sexually deprived, bible-bashing fucking hypocrite.