Report for Katherine W.
Approved stories1
Rejected stories2
SummaryShows promise

The setting: a high school performance of "Fiddler on the Roof." The young actor in the part of Tevye has a wireless mike. At one point, he goes offstage, and one of the tech crew guys forgets to turn it off, so they're getting backstage chatter at full amp in the house. But the audience can't understand anything they're saying backstage, except for Ben Mersey saying, very clearly, "MY PENIS ITCHES."

One might have suspected venereal disease, but poor Ben was the football mascot and probably hasn't been laid yet.

Exclamation made, apropos of nothing, by Alan Lu, who leapt from his seat in the middle of Film Analysis class. General consensus holds that Alan is still and will always be the fruity one.

Alan Lu was our Patrick Sears, except he wasn't bullied that much because the bullies didn't want to get that close. Two of my friends once gave him a ride home from a Christmas party. He begged them to come in his house. They did, not knowing the horror that awaited them.

Included in the grand tour was Alan's bathroom. On the wall was a huge mirror which was festooned from top to bottom with odd smears. "Oh, you write on your mirror too," said my friend.

"No, those are my zits," Alan replied.